Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year Uploads! HUZZAH! I just rounded up some old drawings I did a few weeks back but never got to scan. Peep em and enjoy.

Goat-Bot, all fear the goat. As a kid growing up I was always a fan of transformers and Beast Wars so when we had to create a Goat character for an animation in my highschool animation class a few years back i just had to make a robot of it too. don't mess with Goat-Bot.

As with everyone else I was playing Assassins Creed, and enjoying it greatly so I whipped this up in class while i was of course supposed to be watching some video about water or something. Its an Art School Altair. I know, I'm a dork. I quite liked the Throwing pencils secured to his hoodie jacket though. I felt clever.

Just some fooling around at a Borders the other day between classes. Expiramentation: always fun.

My roommates created a WoW PVP team called Boxing Octopi and required me to draw it up afterwards, in the end I approved.

1 comment:

TrevWolf said...

Float like a butterfly, punch like a fucking octopus.

For the linguistic fascist in all of us: 'Octopi' is the plural form of octopus, so there should be two or more.