Monday, January 7, 2008


Just yesterday I rediscovered a grip of drawings back from high school all featuring a certain Goat like Robot in the previous post so lets take a trip back in the day, I think like 5 years ago now to the day of the goat. Also , don't ask me why I felt so compelled to label Goat on the drawings, I dunno what I was thinking.
Its kind of interesting to see the different designs i had done for Goat bot, in my mind remembering I just remembered the one version redesigned the other day, apparently there was quite a variation of Goat bots. I'm starting to think maybe there is a race of space Goat bots out there out in space, so each is different in their own rights, eh? EH? I approve. OR like a Goat Bot task force? I'm thinking I have a pitch for Cartoon Network.

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