Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Its a Power Ranger who is also a Pirate, which is just straight up awesome. He will pillage and plunder whilst being stabbed and having sparks explode from his torso.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Gonna be a Photoshop Hero!

I sat myself down for some good ol' fashioned Photoshop and Tablet bonding time today. And this is what was birthed of that wonderful union.

I am pretty terrible at Digitally Inking and Coloring my work. Just gonna say that now. On that note practice makes perfect right? yeah so thats what this is. Me all photoshopized.

My roommate was so excited about this new super hero he had made up in class today and wanted me to draw it as soon as possible today. I guess hes a French chef who gets different powers depending on what he cooks. It was fun to draw though.
In anticipation for the New Super Smash Brothers game coming out next month there has been A LOT of smashing going on between us roomies here. At one point someone had mentioned how awesome MewTwo would be if he rocked some nunchuks. And I already had my tablet out in photoshop so I just had to whip it up real fast.

For some reason I do a ton of self portraits, I must have a HUGE ego. OR I'm just really un-photogenic so the drawings don't end up always with me lookin' like some sort of retarded chimp. I dunno. For some reason this warm up makes me look really pissed. I guess deep down I was pissed today.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Go Ninja GO Ninja GO!

I loves me some Ninja Turtles. Here is a Ninja Turtle.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Who wants a peice of cheesecake?

At Comic-Con this past summer I met some amazing artists who's art REALLY got me into Pin-Up work. Its even gotten to the point that I would Kind of like to pursue it as a career choice. Not instead of Animation, but on the side perhaps? Anyways here are some various pieces I have done, some older some newer.

These are a couple of my most recent Pin-Ups, I think they came out pretty good other than the faces which I was having issues with because of how small they were drawn.
This was just a quick sketch I did of the Marylin Monroe 'Golden Dreams' classic. I think it turned out alright for just being a quickie.

Here I was mostly just doodling on a paper and quite liked the form and whatnot, very unfinished as with all of my doodles.
Pin-Ups on tablet! I really need to use my Wacom more.
This was mostly a costume concept / redesign of a character i had created based upon the Queen of Hearts, it always seemed to me that she was portrayed as a fat old woman. I thought to take it the other was as a seductive youngin. She was going to be a super villain, kind of in the vain of Poison Ivy.
Who doesn't like ninja chicks? I mean really?Alright, for these last two they were done pretty soon after the last Comic-Con when I had decided to try my hand at the Cheesecake. The top one is in fact Princess Peach from the Super Mario Games. There is an video game art show in LA every year, I am 8-Bit, that I have wanted to submit a piece too, and because I was trying my hand at the Pin-Ups I thought I could maybe blend the two into one piece. The body pose was again taken from the 'Golden Dreams' series of Monroe Pin-Ups, I had thought I was Quite clever in mixing the two poses into one.

This second was mostly a study to see how to properly do a stylized yet sexy pin-up girl. Essentially a first try, not too good and my dancing girl looks like she was being tortured, but oh well, it fits the theme so I figured why not,